General conditions

The following general terms and conditions of trade, delivery and payment (standard form contract) are the essential part of all contracts with:

ORTOFIT 2011 Ltd.
Address: 2 Zichy Mihály Street
Mosonmagyarovar 9200, Hungary

German Dental Surgery in Hungary
21 Kert Street
9200 Mosonmagyarovar, Hungary

Mail:  [email protected]

Tel:   +36 20 211 1211
Fax:  +36 96 56 64 73

Different standard form contracts of the contractual partners are not and will not be a part of the contract. If supplementary agreements or special agreements are concluded, they are only binding if they were confirmed in writing.
The contractual partner (patient) confirms, that he/she is at least 18 years old and legally competent. If the patient is younger, the consent of the parents is necessary. In the following used term for product applies to both material and intellectual, or in form of work provided performance.

Prices for the measures of treatment:

All the prices are given as full price (gross price).

Terms of payment for the measures of treatment:

The payment for the provided service is carried out in cash or by credit card (VISA, Master Card, Maestro).
At the beginning of the treatment a deposit of 50 % of the agreed total price is payable.
Completed treatments have to be paid immediately.


The duration of guarantee for dental technical work of the laboratory is 2 years, and occurring dental expenditure and costs are free of charge within this time period. There is no dental guarantee, unless there are evident mistakes of treatment. These are corrected appropriately free of charge, the possible costs of laboratory inclusive. Travel expenses and costs of accommodation are not undertaken to pay. The treatments in connection with guarantee are only carried out in our own surgery. Arising costs of other surgeries can’t be taken over.

Reservation of proprietary rights:

The provided physical and non-material goods, product (denture and costs of treatment) remains in the property of the seller as reserved goods until the total payment of the purchase price and the repayment of all demands of the business connection (and those in connection with the object of sale) are carried out. The adding of certain claims, debts to a current invoice or making balance and the acceptance don’t cancel the reservation of proprietary rights.
With the payment of all claims of the seller coming from the business connection, the reserved goods and the transferred claims become the property of the buyer.


We don’t take responsibility for the offered services of other surgeries and of the result of damaging after-effects of their treatments.

Data storage:

The given data in connection with an order could only be used within the business activity of HD-dental dental surgery, the passing on to a third person is only possible with the explicit release of the patient, this should be available in written form.

Data protection:

HD-dental undertakes, that the dental surgery takes account of the regulations of the German Federal Date Protection Act (BDSG), the Teleservices Data Protection Act (TDDSG), and every other legal data protection regulation incl. if applicable future European data protection acts, particularly those in connection with the preservation of data secrecy.

Scope of the contract:

For the warranty terms and the entire legal relationship between the seller and the buyer the law of the place of jurisdiction is applicable. If certain formulations of the current standard form contract should be or become ineffective, the contract should be interpreted in such a way, that the intended purpose of the formulation is achieved. The effectiveness of the other agreements of the standard form contract are not effected by this.

Relevant chamber:

Hungarian Dental Association
9021 Győr, Hungary
23 Baross G. St.

Place of jurisdiction:

9200 Mosonmagyarovár, Hungary
Fő u.