Our high tech devices

Dental devices
at the highest stage



Teethan is the modern way to display dental occlusion

Occlusion or tooth closure is the contact, which arises between the teeth when closing the upper and lower jaw. Irregularities and deformities can have various negative consequences such as headaches and nocturnal teeth grinding. Teethan is the first complete wireless medical device to measure the scientific parameter of the tooth lock in a simple, fast and not invasive way.


Digital analysis of occlusion

The examination with Teethan consists of a total of two tests to measure muscle activity at maximum intercuspidation, i.e. with complete meshing of all pits and elevations of the upper and lower teeth. The examination lasts about 3 minutes an is safe and totally painless. Four small wireless probes are applied on the temporalis and masseter muscles of the patient’s face. The following first test is used for calibration: the patient bites on two dental cotton rolls placed between the upper and lower dental arch. The second test is done in natural intercuspidation. It allows to determine the parameters of the occlusion table. Both tests only last five seconds each. Next, Teethan processes the data ​​of registered muscle activity and digital analysis of the occlusion. The resulting report can be printed. This report is graphically processed in a particularly clear and understandable way. This allows the patient to easily visually detect the condition of his dental occlusion and any necessary improvements. Overall, the diagnosis with Teethan takes no longer than three minutes.

Teethan: Darstellung von Okklusion – Hightech-Geräte bei HD-Dental